Freedom of Expression by Internet Sehat

Freedom of Expression by Internet Sehat

Freedom of Expression by Internet Sehat

Menumbuhkan Kebebasan Berekspresi di Internet:

1. Berani Bersuara
2. Menghormati Keberagaman
3. Jadi Anonim Tidak Tabu
4. Hormati Hak Kekayaan Intelektual
5. Bertanggung Jawab, Bijak saat online
6. Berjejaring dan dan Berbagi
7. Katakan tidak untuk “Sensor”

Wise While Online, Think Before Posting.

Kiat lainnya:
– Internet Safety (
– Against Cyber Bully (
– Freedom of Expression (
– Social Media Privacy (
– Safe Online Shopping (

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Freedom of Expression by Internet Sehat

Freedom of Expression by Internet Sehat

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