Seri IG #4: Freedom of Expression, Association and Assembly – Indonesian VO

Seri IG #4: Freedom of Expression, Association and Assembly - Indonesian VO

Seri IG #4: Freedom of Expression, Association and Assembly – Indonesian VO

Freedom of Expression, Association and Assembly. (Kebebasan Berekspresi, Berkumpul dan Berserikat).

Voice-over: Bahasa Indonesia

Voice-over: Bahasa Indonesia

Seri video edukasi / advokasi tentang tata kelola Internet (Internet Governance). Olah grafis dan sumber asal: Global Partners Digital ( Translasi / alih suara oleh: ICT Watch – Indonesia (
Seri IG #4: Freedom of Expression, Association and Assembly – Indonesian VO

Seri IG #4: Freedom of Expression, Association and Assembly – Indonesian VO

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