How Tokopedia Guarantees Its Platform Uptime

How Tokopedia Guarantees Its Platform Uptime

How Tokopedia Guarantees Its Platform Uptime

As one of the most visited e-commerce sites in Indonesia, Tokopedia must prepare for a spike in traffic during the peak and holiday periods in order to guarantee platform reliability and deliver impeccable service for all of its users.

To anticipate the issues that come with an uptick in visitors, Tokopedia – with the help of Amazon Web Services (AWS) – always conducts a stress test to ensure that their systems remain scalable and reliable.

Find out how your company can get support from AWS through this link:
Sebagai salah satu situs e-commerce yang paling banyak dikunjungi di Indonesia, Tokopedia harus bersiap untuk lonjakan traffic selama periode tertentu dan juga liburan, untuk menjamin keandalan platform dan memberikan layanan sempurna bagi semua penggunanya.

Untuk mengantisipasi masalah yang muncul dengan peningkatan pengunjung, Tokopedia – dengan bantuan Amazon Web Services (AWS) – selalu melakukan stress test untuk memastikan bahwa sistem mereka tetap scalable dan dapat diandalkan.

Cari tahu bagaimana perusahaan Anda bisa mendapatkan dukungan dari AWS melalui tautan ini:
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How Tokopedia Guarantees Its Platform Uptime

How Tokopedia Guarantees Its Platform Uptime

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