Gubernur Bali dalam Selebrasi Digitalisasi Aksara Bali

Gubernur Bali dalam Selebrasi Digitalisasi Aksara Bali

Gubernur Bali dalam Selebrasi Digitalisasi Aksara Bali

Dalam rangka perayaan pengumuman pemenang lomba membuat website dengan konten sepenuhnya menggunakan aksara Bali, Gubernur Bali Dr. Ir. WAYAN KOSTER, MM memberikan sambutannya dalam acara tersebut, yang juga merupakan salah satu dari rangkaian besar acara Merajut Indonesia, melalui digitalisasi aksara Nusantara.

English subtitle:
Peace be upon you, and Allah’s mercy and blessings.
Greetings to all of us, Om Swastiastu, Namo Buddhaya, Greetings of kindness.
What I respect, the Dean of the Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Udayana University. Then the Director of the PANDI institution, UNESCO representative, Mr. Director General of applications from the Ministry of Communication and Information. distinguished guest,

distinguish guest, this is the first faculty event I have attended. Why am I attending? Because the program is very interesting and unique to me.
Website domain competition per Balinese script because this is in accordance with Nangun Sat Kerthi Loka Bali which is why I was interested in this event. And I attend even though I have many events today

Because this shows the campus’ concern for Balinese culture, one of which is the script.
The first time I saw the news about PANDI through the print media was about the regional script website competition.

That’s why I asked my staff to find out … I thought those 6 PANDI people … turned out to be institutions … so that’s why it’s great
In an era of the rapid development of digital technology, people are carried away by the flow of modernization .. this flow can leave our cultural heritage.

Therefore, please digital technology and science to move forward, but we must not leave and forget the local culture because it is a legacy and an important element of regional progress. That is why I realize that one of our cultures in Indonesia, especially in Bali, has experienced a setback in several aspects.

When I was planning to become governor of Bali I designed how to strengthen Balinese culture. So I compiled the contents of Nangun Sat Kerthi Loka Bali through the Plan of Universal Development Plan towards a new era of Bali which implies maintaining the sanctity and harmony of Balinese nature and its contents to create a prosperous, happy life.

In accordance with Bung Karno’s Trisakti principles:
1. Sovereign politically,
2. Independent in the Economic Sector,
3. Having personality in culture.

By carrying out development in a patterned, comprehensive, planned, directed, and integrated manner within the framework of the unity of the Republic of Indonesia based on the values ​​of the 1945 Pancasila. So, one by one I align this concept into the concept of Bali development policy.
First, how to strengthen the traditional customs of Balinese art and culture, strengthen nature, people, and Bali. However, what I have to complete is the Governor of Bali Regulation No. 80/2018 concerning the Protection and Use of Balinese Language, Script and Literature, and the Implementation of the Balinese Language Month. And it was announced and officially enforced, exactly one month I was appointed as Governor, namely on October 5, 2018, I exposed the regulations

Governor of Bali No. 80 of 2018 concerning the Protection and Use of Balinese Language, Script and Literature at I Gusti Ngurahrai Airport.
And after that, there is PERDA No.4 of 2020 concerning the STRENGTHENING AND ADVANCEMENT OF BALI CULTURE
So, the Governor of Bali Regulation No. 80/2018 concerning the Protection and Use of Balinese Language, Script, and Literature as well as the Implementation of the Balinese Language Month regulates the use of Balinese characters on office or other public signage.

Now I explain, red and white is nationalism, Balinese script is written in black. if combined with red-white-black it will be the color of Tri Datu. The color that blends in Bali is a symbol of Brahma Wisnu Siwa. So this is a sacred color, not the origin. So the message of this color is Religious, Cultural, and Nationalism.
Now, a competition through digital training is a collaboration between global progress while maintaining local wisdom. With this technological advancement, we use it to maintain our local wisdom.

In the framework of the Language Month of Bali every year in February as the implementation of PERGUB No. 80 2018 is filled with a Balinese scriptwriting competition in Lontar. We have done it twice in 2019 and 2020 and the participants who are most proud of our young people. We are very grateful that all regions have the script.
With the Balinese script, it shows the progress of civilization that was pioneered by our ancestors in ancient times, so we must preserve it. Moreover, udayana literature must be a force to protect and protect our culture in Bali. In the future, it must be able to strengthen the acceleration of a number of policies that have been contained in 40 regulations, 15 PERDAs, and 25 PERGUB concerning nature, people, and Balinese culture.
Gubernur Bali dalam Selebrasi Digitalisasi Aksara Bali

Gubernur Bali dalam Selebrasi Digitalisasi Aksara Bali

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