Prof David Kaye (UN Special Rapporteur): Soverignty, Privacy, Online Freedom of Expression

Prof David Kaye (UN Special Rapporteur): Soverignty, Privacy, Online Freedom of Expression

Prof David Kaye (UN Special Rapporteur): Soverignty, Privacy, Online Freedom of Expression

General Lecture in English, with Bahasa Indonesia Subtitled.

Videographer: Jakartanicus (LR) / Forum Demokrasi Digital

Located at the University of Indonesia (UI), Salemba – Jakarta, Thursday, June 4th, 2015, the UI Graduate Program in cooperation with ELSAM, ICT Watch, SAFEnet, Forum Asia, Bytes for All, Digital Partners, Kontras and KITA, held a public lecture with the theme “Challenges of Privacy Protection and Freedom of Expression in the Age of Information Disclosure”. Speaker: Prof. David Kaye (UN Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Expression).

This video must be watched by law students, human rights defenders as well as and freedom of expression and online rights activists.
Prof David Kaye (UN Special Rapporteur): Soverignty, Privacy, Online Freedom of Expression

Prof David Kaye (UN Special Rapporteur): Soverignty, Privacy, Online Freedom of Expression

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