Kelipat Duit Cepat di Internet (Bahasa Indonesia)

Kelipat Duit Cepat di Internet (Bahasa Indonesia)

Kelipat Duit Cepat di Internet (Bahasa Indonesia) Hadirnya teknologi digital melibas jarak dan waktu bagi penggunanya. Siapapun dapat mengandalkan Internet untuk mendulang duit, apapun motivasi dan caranya. Celakanya, judi online dan pinjaman online (pinjol) ilegal, menebar jebak dan memasang jerat pada leher mereka yang bernafsu mendapatkan duit cepat. Namun di sisi lain, ada pula yang jeli dan gesit memanfaatkan peluang di Internet, secara positif dan kreatif. Dengan membangun kapasitas diri melalui pelatihan dan memasarkan produk UMKM secara online, sejumlah warga desa mampu membuktikan bahwa sejatinya rejeki yang baik adalah buah…

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Fast Money Folded on the Internet

Fast Money Folded on the Internet

Fast Money Folded on the Internet The presence of digital technology has revolutionized how we perceive distance and time, offering unprecedented convenience to its users. But, two contrasting realities emerge. On one side, there’s the perilous lure of quick money through online gambling and illegal loans, a digital trap ensnaring the unwary. On the other side, a group of villagers embrace the internet’s positive potential, engaging in self-improvement through training and creatively marketing their local products online. This film captures their journey of resilience and innovation, highlighting how true fortune…

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Fast Money Folded on the Internet

Fast Money Folded on the Internet

Fast Money Folded on the Internet The presence of digital technology has revolutionized how we perceive distance and time, offering unprecedented convenience to its users. But, two contrasting realities emerge. On one side, there’s the perilous lure of quick money through online gambling and illegal loans, a digital trap ensnaring the unwary. On the other side, a group of villagers embrace the internet’s positive potential, engaging in self-improvement through training and creatively marketing their local products online. This film captures their journey of resilience and innovation, highlighting how true fortune…

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